
Siren of Saint Lawrence

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Literature Text

My dreams are already haunted.
The passions of Dante.
Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso.
Not a modern comedy.

A modern tragedy.
She, Beatrix, is gone.
But there are no layers I can cross,
Life makes me accept my loss.

The haunts of your flesh,
Golden brown of the sun.
Seduce the darkest recesses of subconscious,
And torment the loins.

The haunts of your face
With tiger eye,
Russet flowing,
And skin of olive.

The haunt of your voice.
A nubile siren.
Culling the spirit
Of the St.Lawrence.

Bourgeois and unjust,
Abandon me now.
Leave once and for all,
And plague me no more.

End these nightmares
With a poet's passion.
From Inferno to Paradiso.
A modern comedy.
Just some free writing.

Do you feel the bounce between a literary reference and Roman/Greek mythology retract from the work? Why or why not?

Do you feel the references do well to frame the work or not? If you have any suggestions for structural improvements please make.

Also do you believe that the poem is to concrete or vague/abstract? Depending on your stance what would you recommend I do to aid in either clearing up my ideas or making them less obvious.
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Woah! someone who answered all 3. Nice!

Point 1: Yeah i did find some vagueness I was talking to my friend (who i show most of my poems too) and she thought the story of Sirens were the stories of mermaids. I hear that mix up often.

Point 2: I can see what you are saying. It was free writing, but it would have been a better frame. I am not sure if i want to go and edit it. Maybe I should make a 2nd version with the edit? Maybe just leave it? I don't know but i can see how that could bug you (I didn't even notice xD)

Point 3: This brings up a moral question I have with art. Yes people don't understand some references but sometimes art should expect something from the reader. Art should be an intellectual pursuit as much as an emotional one. It should not be simplified to gain popularity or wider audience (In my opinion that is). No one will know everything and I know many people would not know Sirens and Dante's quest through the layers of hell; however you don't need to be an expert on literature or mythology to look something up.

Point 3: